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14 Excel Shortcuts to Maximise your Efficiency

Read time: 1 minute

  There are so many nifty Excel keyboard shortcuts that can maximise working efficiency and learning the potential of this powerful platform to transform your work is a career long learning curve, as more improvements come on stream with updates.  However, there are some great efficiencies you can make starting today with a selection of some […]

The Pros and Cons of Different Versions of Excel

Read time: 3 minutes

What version of Excel are you using? Microsoft regularly provide upgrades to their editing platforms, offering new features, but with upgrades come inevitable pros and cons in practical usage.  We wanted to look at the Excel landscape of our readers, to help assess whether it’s time to review your current version and consider upgrading, or […]

Bespoke Blog – How to Optimise Your Excel Spreadsheets

Read time: 5 minutes

How to easily optimise your spreadsheets: Create tables Named ranges & formulas Pivot tables Sorting data Manual calculation mode Non-volatile formulas Create effective formulas Keep formulas in a separate sheet Crisis measures Learn new formulas Now you know best options for Excel spreadsheet optimisation, learn about each one to source the most effective approach for […]

Bespoke Blog – Am I Getting Everything From my Spreadsheets?

Read time: 3 minutes

Business competitiveness is increasingly about versatility, efficiency and innovation. Every business process should be subject to regular review to ensure that operators are being as efficient as they can. How to Get More From Excel Excel spreadsheet users, from administrators to Board members should be able to get more from their data sets in Excel […]

Bespoke Blog – How Powerful is Microsoft Excel if Used Correctly?

Read time: 3 minutes

Microsoft Excel is hugely under-utilised by organisations who are unaware of its potential capability. Formulas, macros and pivot tables may seem unfathomable to some, but for others, they speed up labour-intensive data handling tasks. Nevertheless, the above important functions, still only scratch the surface of how you can harness the power of your organisational data […]

Bespoke Blog – Why Excel Training Should be Personalised

Read time: 3 minutes

There are many basic features of Excel spreadsheets that staff can learn from checking out instructional videos online. However, there are limits to time available for your teams to search online finding how to work smarter and enhance efficiency. No two companies are the same and generic ‘how to’ guides only go so far when […]

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