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What is a Power BI dashboard?

A Power BI dashboard is a single page that tells a visual story of your data. Dashboards are an interactive way to measure and monitor important metrics in your business. A secure, cloud-based platform allows you to create and view your data through these visual dashboards at the touch of just a button.

What is a Power BI dashboard?

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Data

Speak to a Power BI Dashboard Expert to discover how you can transform data into actionable insights, make informed decisions, and drive business success.


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Learn more about Power BI

Explore its capabilities to transform raw data into actionable insights with intuitive visualisations. Delve deeper into the technology behind Power BI and discover the suite of products that cater to your unique business needs

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Power BI Dashboard Examples

Explore some of the other dashboard examples we’ve created to demonstrate the power of having high-quality data to use across your organisation.


International Women’s Day Dashboard

Our International Women’s Day dashboard demonstrates some key stats around the change in the percentage of females in ICT roles throughout Europe over time. The report looks at the number of ICT specialists across Europe, pulling data from Eurostat which contains the number of female and male ICT Specialists between 2004-2021.

Take a look at the dashboard here

International Women's Day

World Statistics Day

Our World Statistics Day Power BI dashboard showcases the Power Platform Google search trends from 2004 to now, across the US, UK, Germany & Denmark. Although Power BI has dominated over the years, you’ll see that Power Automate search terms are on the rise.

Take a look at the dashboard here

Power BI Dashboard example

World Population dashboard

The World Population dashboard development allows you to interrogate world population data – breaking it down by continent and country, male & female split, and how the population trend is changing over time. Discover more insights on specific country by using the hover-over drill throughs on the world map. A perfect example of how Power BI allows you to do so much more with data.

Take a look at the dashboard here

Power BI dashboard example

Global Emissions Dashboard

With global greenhouse gas emissions rising and the UN calling for dramatic systematic change, we decided to bring all the scattered data into one place. This dashboard provides insight about the global impact of three major greenhouse gases, which countries have lowered their emissions the most in the last 10 years and which industries are responsible for emitting the most gases.

Take a look at the dashboard here


May 4th Dashboard

You can never have too much data… even data on some of your favourite films. This interactive Power BI dashboard will provide data on which films had the biggest budgets, critics’ approval winners, facts about your most-loved characters and even which starships had the biggest hyperdrive (and crew).

Take a look at the dashboard here


Vaccination Dashboard

This is a perfect example of how Power BI comes into its own for certain topical things, in this case it was the Covid dashboard. This easy-to-view Power BI dashboard development provides a top-down view of most vaccinated areas in the UK alongside additional filters enabling you to check the progress of vaccinations in your local area. It is also capable of comparing the UK’s progress with the rest of the world.

Take a look at the dashboard here


How to create a Power BI Dashboard

Building a dashboard is easy and can be done in 4 simple steps. It is a simple and effective way to bring data together to gain insight into key areas of your business and where developments can be made.

1 Choose your
2 Connect data sources
3 Build the dashboard
4 Analyse your

Power BI dashboard use cases

Some examples of where you can use them in your business include:

  • HR
  • CRM
  • Finance
  • Marketing Insights
  • Stock Control
  • Performance

As you can see, Power BI dashboard development can be used across various organisations and sectors. We know that in todays world, healthcare organisations are producing and storing more data than ever before.

Through creating Power BI dashboard examples, we have identified how it can help sales teams, physicians, executives, administrators, and others to make sense of the mountain of data available to them.


Power BI Dashboard Vs Report

So what is the difference between a Power BI dashboard vs a report? A dashboard is a single page consisting of key information collected and combined across different reports and their datasets and facts.

A Power BI report, on the other hand, is a set of multiple pages combining different datasets that represent different findings and insights, and different pages are available to view the report data.